
About Me

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I am an ESL Instructor, Communications Specialist, Career Coach and Novice Writer specifically for your communication/ career goals, and establishing your brand. For over 11 years, I have led leadership/communication workshops (and now online sessions ) on developing leadership skills, enhancing creativity, creating a work/life balance, and many other subjects for the Toronto Board of Education, and in the non-profit and corporate sector. My approach teaches the vital importance of clear, motivational, yet caring communication. I have recently written a journaling workbook for my students/clients that contains weekly reflections with activities. It has been used by life coaches, career consultants and communications instructors. Here is the link for those who wish to learn about my journalling workbook and to purchase it.. I’m currently working on my second workbook – a unique guidebook for traveling your career pathway. For more information about my upcoming other workbooks, email me at:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hail "the Green Movement"

Seeking jobs of the futures in trades and in other occupations? Then, look to those occupations that embrace “the green economy”.

We can now see a strong movement toward creating environmentally sustainable energy sources.

Yes, you can meld a strong economy with a healthy environment- they can coexist quite well with strategic planning and collaboration from all parties and stakeholders.

In the field of trades, the green movement will open up a lot of jobs for electricians, iron and steel workers, construction workers, and sheet metal workers.

1 comment:

sigsoog said...

Career coaching is a strategic service that people can use and employers can rely on when work performance, career transition, personal conduct in the workplace and/or culture fit becomes an issue.

Career Coaching